The moment when kids start to notice your child is different.
Today, we were at a McDonald’s. My 4 year old was playing on the play place. Out of no where, I start hearing kids say,” He took his pants off, he has a diaper on.” Laughing about it. Yes my child is not potty trained yet.
I stood straight up and went up there, put his clothes on him and as I’m doing this. a child is pointing and laughing at him about the incident (Telling their sibling I assumed).
Of course, their parents are not seeing this incident, because of not being on the play equipment. I said as calmly as possible. “Please stop talking about it, because it isn’t nice.”
Now, I wish I could have handled this differently. Used it as a education moment. But I was filled with hurt for my child.
For parents that read this article, I say to you, educate your children that are and are not special needs.
A child with special needs, should know they are different and special in their own way . That some people may not accept that, and other children should know they are just as special in their own ways. That there are different people out there, that we should treat with kindness.
~AMB <3